Generation 17/18 could have graduated drink

It has already been 5 years since generation 2017/2018 started their studies in Electrical Engineering or Automotive Technology. Everybody tried to make the best of their student life, but do you know what your fellow students did since then? How they put their stamp on the past years? Did they do a board year somewhere, or have they already graduated? Are they enjoying student life, or are they still retaking EM2? Have they finally got their BSA somewhere?

To have a nice chat with your fellow students, we present: 'Generation 2017/2018 could have graduated drink' on the 9th of September in Het Walhalla! We would love to see you there and enjoy a drink together, and reminisce about how everything was better in the old days.

Generation 17/18
Het Walhalla
Friday 09-09-2022
16:30 - 19:00