Tired? Dry mouth? Missing your free time? These are all symptoms of having a lack of CO2 in your diet, and not of an exam week. Luckily De Heeren van de Donderdag has got your back. To celebrate the end of exams we will provide everybody's drinks with a boost of CO2 to compensate for the lack of it you got during a misfortunate month without alcohol and studying. Therefore we proudly announce the "SODASTREAMBORREL" where we will experiment with adding CO2 to all beverages. Don't miss these live demonstrations on February 1st, or the second Thursday of the exam week. 

After the success of these experiments we will of course celebrate by going to stratumseind, so you dont want to miss this spectacle.

Het Walhalla
Thursday 01-02-2024
16:30 - 19:00