
The Walhalla Lustrum committee is tasked with organizing the 50th anniversary of our bar Het Walhalla. The 10th lustrum is from the April 25th until May 2nd with the following activities:
  • Thursday April 25th: Stunt
  • Friday April 26th: Oud-Tapperswedstrijden
  • Monday April 29th: Tapwedstrijden
  • Tuesday April 30th: Bring anything but a cup
  • Wednesday May 1st: Brewery visit
  • Thursday May 2nd: Party

Meeuwis van den Hoek
Niek Brekelmans
Roel Wijnands
Joost Visser
Mike Zanderink
Jasper Beerentemfel
Nick Verstegen
Lucia Kalkman
Twan Luijten
Gabriël Nusselder
Thom 'Theo' Copier
Norine Rijksen
Mathieu Monnot
Max van Berkel
Simon Wessel
Finn van Lieshout